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Dr. Sean Conley updates President Trump's condition, October 5, 2020
LIVE: Dr. Sean Conley gives an update on President Trump’s condition
WATCH LIVE: Dr. Sean Conley will hold a briefing regarding President Trump's condition.
Trump Health Update: Dr. Conley gives a status update on the president
Trump's physician gives an update on the president's condition
Dr. Conley: Trump hasn't been on any fever reducing medications for over 72 hours
Trump's physician provides an update on president’s condition at Walter Reed—10/5/2020
Dr. Conley: Trump probably met discharge requirements Sunday
Dr. Sean Conley gives update on President Trump's condition at Walter Reed hospital: Special Report
White House physician Sean Conley dodges questions about U.S. President Trump's health
US President Trump’s physician Conley says Trump is “doing very well” after being diagnosed with COV
WATCH LIVE: Trump's doctor to update public on the president's condition Saturday